We are excited at the prospect of your participation with us in this meaningful project. Please fill out the contact form and then answer all the questions of this brief survey.


In every other area of life where we’ve been successful we were part of a systematic learning process. This included supervised study, then practice, and finally evaluation, with correction of results if necessary. You will go through the same systematic process in this research.

You signed up for this research with one particular relationship in mind where you want to see the giving and receiving of unconditional love improve. Focus on this one relationship as you answer the questions below. We know you will be as honest as possible, since this is for you and not for anyone else.

This Questionnaire has been created to begin preparing participants for giving and receiving love unconditionally.



Relationship in Focus:







Awareness, Your Vision

To identify the present state of loving in the relationship you are focusing on improving check the loving qualities which you would like to receive more of from this relationship.

Check all the loving qualities which you would like to give more of in this relationship.

Compassionate Communication

In this relationship sometimes difficult issues, misunderstandings arise. This person’s reaction generally is to:



My reaction generally is to:



In all relationships things happen to make people angry. When this person becomes angry or yells at me I generally:



When I become angry or yell, this person generally:



In this relationship we generally talk about the relationship:


In this relationship a question I like to ask on a regular basis is:


In this relationship a question this person likes to ask me on a regular basis is:


Loving Unconditionally requires effective communication. Your beliefs about communication are;

Communication is telling another what your point is.

Communication is convincing another about your point of view.

I don’t bother communicating with someone who I know doesn’t want to hear what I have to say.

I don’t listen to someone who is angry and attacking me. 

It is impossible to get through to some people.

To be effective at communication one needs to listen more and talk less.

Believing that people are well intentioned changes the way we communicate with them.

Believing that people are not well intentioned changes the way we communicate with them.

Can the way we communicate bring out the best or the worst in others?

Can we inspire and enroll people by the way we communicate?

Unconditional Love

Have you ever wondered why love is so important?

When someone's behavior towards you isn’t loving, it hurts?

When your behavior toward someone isn’t loving, it hurts them? 

Have you ever considered that unconditional love for a person we’re in a relationship with is possible? 






This brief survey gives you and us an idea of the present state of loving in the relationship you want to change. We will use it to help you create a new vision of loving in that relationship. That new vision will become the focal point of communication with that person. As you know we are selecting a small group of people to participate in this research project. Participants will be notified regarding their selection, along with instructions regarding the workshops and assignments.

We look forward to sharing with you our knowledge about loving unconditionally.


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